Do you feel there is so much more in life than “this” ?
A feeling of living your life in black and white, everything is just “OK” at best , but you miss the colors, the passion, the fuel to keep you inspired.
“Your Heart is the Light of this world. Don´t cover it with your mind." MOOJI
Do you feel frustration that you can't seem to manifest your desires?
A great relationship, more money coming In each month – not only “just enough” to pay the bills, more free time and more joy in your life, and yet… there are always obstacles that seem to prevent you from getting there.
Does fear or are other people stopping you from moving forward?
Does it seem impossible to let go of your past relationship? Or do you always attract the same kinds of partners resulting in disappointments?
Are the same limiting beliefs dragging you down over and over again?
You are about to make changes in your life conditions, but the same old beliefs keep sabotaging you from creating a better situation: You keep thinking the really interesting people probably don’t look at you as a suitable life-partner, so you look for a more boring person to be by your side (settle for less), not inspiring you to live to your highest potential.
Do you feel not appreciated or recognized in your daily life, at work, by family, or in your love relationships?
You do your best, you know you have special qualities, and you might not be perfect but you do give the most of yourself and yet people don’t give you any credit for it; it’s at times as if you were invisible or taken for granted.
Do you always seem to be in “survival mode”? Never seeming to co-create more financial stability?
Just enough. Every month again. Sweaty palms when the paychecks come in. Never being comfortable enough to be able to do the things that would give you feelings of joy or abundance.
Are there doubts about which steps to take, direction, or a confidence in moving forward?
You know where you want to go, but you are just not sure about how to get there or where to begin.. Or maybe You do have a sense of your ideal life, you can even picture it. But you keep feeling too insecure to move forward. The self-doubts and fears keep popping up.
Do you feel depressed and NOT motivated to move forward?
Feeling overwhelmed, disappointed or affected by life, and would you just like to just curl up in bed not to get out for the coming months? Like a burden is weighing you down, all alone, having no clue what to do to get things moving again? sometimes all you might need is a little help. Someone who gives you a hand to shed the heaviness and shine a light at the end of the tunnel.
Might there be worthiness issues for receiving what you long for?
Soul Session:
Energy Healing & Reading:
What takes place in a session?
Most people are typically stuck in patterns and conditionings, and tend to live out certain realities over and over again. In this session I assist you to break that vicious circle. We connect via Google Meets for 1.5 hours and start with a short conversation so I can hear what is going on for you and learn what you would like to change.
Then I will guide you into a meditative state where I take a look at you energetically. I will observe your body, mind, and higher self and feel sensations which tell me what is going on. I also receive images about your situation and sometimes I will hear messages as well. We will share what was picked up on, and what is perceived as causes of the unbalance/ blockage.
Simultaneously a transmission of divine energy will take place, assisting the blockage/ dense energy to dissolve, move and release from your system. This is done from a field of a very high frequency of pure unconditional love where I (re)connect you to your Origen/Essence.
Most people experience a deep state of peace and relaxation while we do this work- and afterwards. Limiting programming, conditioning by family and culture, limited beliefs, trapped (dense) emotions, and stubborn patterns will crumble away and you will start transforming. Light and new high-frequency energy can come into the places where these energies were held. Stuck energies, situations and relationships can flow again, and this gives you the opportunity to create new and better realities.
A growing awareness to make different choices and step out of negative patterns that have kept you down will begin to take place. An alignment with your highest potential and dreams will start to unfold, and a motivation from deep within that indeed you have the responsibility and power to make that happen this lifetime.
You can compare receiving a Soul Session with a big update for your computer: we delete old programs that interfere with the new ones. We make space to download new programs. We get things smooth and running again. Always according to divine laws, for the highest good of all people and energies involved.
What are some of the benefits?
- Immediately you feel lighter and more relaxed.
- A sense of being centered and grounded.
- Clarity and insights into your life situation and patterns and have the awareness to make different choices.
- Relationships can improve and/or will find peace.
- Health can improve and flourish.
- Finances can begin moving in a more prosperous and abundant direction.
- Freeing yourself from the burdens of family lineage and conditioning.
- General sense of feeling empowered.
- More connected to love and aligned with your highest purpose.
- Embody and overall sense of peace and wellbeing.
What makes these Soul Session so unique
and different from other therapies/ coaching?
We live in times where we have the huge advantage of going much faster through our transformations than even 20 years ago. Both cosmic energies as the collective are now supporting more rapid changes in our `awakening process´. We don’t need to labor for 5 years (or longer) in weekly therapies anymore to work through our childhood-issues.
People who are ready can make enormous steps in releasing and re-connecting to their Essence in as little as one session. That´s the power of this therapy.
This session works on multiple levels, which is a huge benefit in comparison to other therapies and coaching. It is not only directed to the mind. Sure, the right mindset is utterly important, and understanding things from a rational point of view is, too.
But if deep stored emotional and spiritual blockages on the unconscious and energetic levels are not addressed and released, the desired results will not be achieved.
A good example of this is when ancestral trauma is never healed and still slumbers in the background of the energetic system. The mind may not consciously pick up on this. The following story of a client who came to me recently illustrates this: She is an intelligent woman (40+) who longed for a healthy relationship, but never attracted the right person and couldn’t understand why. We discovered she was carrying the pain and shame of her mother’s bloodline, caused by traumatic events in her great-grandmother’s life. This was passed on from generation to generation, without anyone having knowledge of it, as the events had been kept secret. It made the women play out the same stories. Once we released this pattern and the emotions behind them (not hers) that kept them in place, she started to attract the right partner-relationship for her, based on respect and equality.
In this energy healing-session we address and release these deeper blockages that have different origins by the energy transmission. At the same time, you receive spiritual guidance to help you to understand the changes and processes on a conscious level.
How many sessions do I need?
Some people feel great relief and more empowered in just one session. Obvious changes can occur in their lives with just one session. It is a very individual process, depending on many factors, mainly on the “readiness” of the person in all levels of their being to embrace transformation.
In general to ground and integrate these changes more deeply, it is advisable to receive a series of sessions. That´s why we offer you the option for packages:
1x/Month for 3 Months
1x/Month for 6 Months
Feathered Serpent
2x/Month for 3 Months
1x/Month for 12 Months
Feathered Serpent
2x/Month for 3 Months
- 20% discount per session
- 1:30 time per session
One session
Dare to invite joy and peace in your life!
Enjoy better relationships and a higher quality of life
Experience breakthroughs from the everlasting vicious
circles that keep you from moving forward
Yes, I want to experience peace and joy in my life!
Yes, this for you:
- If you are ready for your life to truly change
- If you want to live a full and rich life
- If you are open to looking at your limiting beliefs, patterns and fears
- If you understand that the only person responsible for your happiness is You!
- f you understand that growth happens outside of your comfort zone most of the time
No, this is not for you:
- If you would like your life to remain exactly as it is
- If you are not open to exploring outside of your comfort zone
- If you feel “everything and everyone” outside of you is to blame for your circumstances and well-being
- If you feel closed to the idea that “there is more to life” than what we see with our physical eyes.
Your guide: Astrea
I was born and raised in the Netherlands and for over 18 years I have been living gratefully in Mexico. It was my Heart and a deeper guidance that brought me here to connect to my true essence. This is something I feel I couldn’t have done in such a profound way and in the same timeframe in my country of birth, because of the differences in energies of the collective and the land. A consequence of this has been the grounding of my healing gifts and intuitive abilities.
The questions : “who Am I and why am I here?” have been the catalyst of my personal journey for as long as I can remember. This deep longing to understand “The Truth” and living in real freedom is still my daily fuel of inspiration to always look and feel deeper, to go beyond what is supposedly presented.
In the first part of my life, being a highly sensitive person was very confusing for me. No one taught me about “energy” or “other dimensions”. It was in the same years as doing my studies in university in pedagogy and counseling, I started to do trainings in Intuitive Development, in aura healing etc. and visit energy healers for my own self-discovery.. ; things started to make more sense to me. My own abilities started to make more sense. The mist around the questions of who I am and Why am I here started to slowly lift away.
The journeys to South America and Mexico that followed and several more trainings in healing modalities and experiences with teachers, shamans, and healers helped me to explore my gifts and to start working in my own unique and authentic way.
At this point, I have been working for about 20 years as a healer and the last 8 also as a “soul guide”, where I have implemented my talents as an energy reader and intuitive.
My passion is to guide people into the depths of their own hearts, assisting them in re-connecting to their essence/origen; and, to live and create from that place and to empower people in reclaiming their true potential.
I offer energy healings and readings mainly online now to be of service to a broader public. I also guide sacred ceremonies, workshops, retreats, and spiritual journeys.
Astrea Geertsema
Sanadora y Soul guide
It is not an exaggeration for me to share that working with Astrea changed my life. She helped me heal and to go deeper into my own self-healing process. She has a gift of seeing where you are on your path and honoring that place and helping you with that particular phase.
I worked with Astrea over a 6 month period, and in that time I experienced an incredible transformation.
If Astrea reads into your soul and body, you can expect nothing less than the truth and divine grace!
Astrea is compassionate, humble and accepting, non judgmental and not here to play games! She is, above all, a true pioneer whose work will be remembered by those in the future as having paved the way for a new level of consciousness and well-being to emerge on Earth. I have incredible respect for her.
Astrea is an incredibly talented healer and guide and I highly recommend her services! I had a session with her to break an old (lifelong) pattern and I'm FINALLY done with it after her treatment. I'd tried other types of healing and therapy to no avail.
Astrea is the most authentic representation of the Divine Feminine I have ever encountered on this Spiritual path... I have spent time with her at Mayan Sacred sites, as well as participated in a number of Ceremonies and received energyreading and healing sessions. Her insights, messages, and Guidance from Benevolent connections are profound and inspiring. 🙏
Give yourself the Gift of spending time in her presence. It just might change your life, like it has mine.
If I had to use one word to describe my experience working with Astrea, it would be this: extraordinary. The journey that she takes you on during her sessions embodies this word in every sense. She goes beyond the ordinary, the mundane, and grants you access to parts of your being that are calling out for healing, and that need to be held, nurtured, and loved.
I have worked with her for going on two years now, and each time I meet with her I discover parts of myself that I never knew existed. We have gotten to the CORE of many of the issues that have troubled me my whole life.
Astrea knows how to hold space like very few others can. She is compassionate, loving, and entirely non-judgmental in the way that she treats you, and makes you feel like you can truly release and surrender in her presence.
I am not the same person I was before I started working with Astrea and I cannot recommend Astrea’s work enough.
Working with Astrea has been a magical experience! Over the time period of a year it has helped me to connect with Myself on levels I never had imagined. I have experienced a real and profound change. Astrea´s energy has brought me a lot of inner peace, the kind of peace that you never want to leave you. Her work and her entire dedication that she puts in each session has helped me to believe more in myself and in the knowing that we can heal, starting with small steps, in every aspect of our lives. Astrea is a wonderful human being and she is my guide with an enormous and beautiful Light. I so much appreciate her patience, simplicity, warmth and her professionalism. To have met her and work with her, fills me with hope and marcs a very important phase for me in my life.
Throughout my session with Astrea i felt completely guided and supported. She was able to tap in some deep energies for me that gave me insight into my past lives as well as how my future could unfold. What she shared with me really opened me energetically and after our reading I felt energy circulating around my womb and i immediately felt it was connected to this reading. There were also certain things that she saw that I didn´t recognize right away but a few days after our reading I understood exactly what she had channeled. Astrea is a powerful, loving and grounded channel and I am so grateful for her insight and guidance.
I have worked with different coaches, psychologists, etc. but NOTHING IS COMPARED WITH THE SESSIONS WITH ASTREA. On my healing path with Astrea I have released several situations (some were even from before I was born). I have had quite significant changes / growth as a result of the sessions: today I find myself with a huge personal growth in all areas of my life (which some I could not have imagined), nor did I see it come so quickly.
Thanks Astrea for your authentic, loving, kind, powerful and wise being. Thank you for supporting me in this process. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIGHT!
My sessions with Astrea have been one of the best experiences of my life. It has helped me to be clear about what my life mission is and to give me the tools to develop it. 10000% recommended.
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